What one person defines a good beer is another's swill; let's talk about everything beer.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Why low calorie beer?

64 and now 55 calorie beer? How is this beer?? why even bother to drink this so called beer, why not just take some grain alcohol and mix it with some flavor and water.
I don't see the point... might as well drink water.
What is stuff is I don't know but its not my beloved beer.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Brewing Organic

For some years now I have been brewing organically... what does that mean you ask?
I use malts, grains, sugar that are grown organically; further I don't let any chemicals touch any part of the process. So why would I do such a thing, well its not because the end product is better; its because I'm supporting the non use of in-organic materials in my beer.
Now I would challenge anybody to say that my beer is not better the the German purity law.
What are your thoughts on this?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm tired of beers over 5% alcohol

When I go to a brewpub/micro brewer it astounds me that I cannot find a good beer under 6% alc. Why is that? Why do currently do the brewers think that to produce a good tasting beer that it has to be over a certain gravity? Is this to cover flaws, or its because the consumer demands it?
My personal opinion is these craft brewers think they have to differentiate themselves from others and from the mass produced stuff. Hmmm but why; our society should be built about locally produced items, and why can't these be similar to what others have. I'm tired of extreme, I would like a good old all-malt lager that I could enjoy with my food and share with my friends.

People and beer

Some time ago, I had had the opportunity to be around many German people. Of course beer was always a topic of interest, but besides the different types of beer here in the US and Germany. The most interesting to me was the particular preferences of beer. Guess what the overall favorite was; Miller High Life... Then even more profound was the comment made "if this beer was brewed in Germany then Miller would be rich". Interesting what does this tell us?
